Child-Inclusive Mediation

Research indicates that when parents separate, children can feel isolated and unlistened to. They can have anxieties about how the future will look for them in terms of where they live and who they live with, their family relationships, friendships, schooling, and outside-school activities.

Berkshire Family Mediation offers children an opportunity to express their views and wishes about the issues affecting them post-separation. We believe that children appreciate the opportunity to be heard directly.

Parents can be assured that:

  • Children are seen only with the agreement of both parents.
  • We always discuss fully with parents the process and purpose of the meeting, before involving children.
  • Children will not be asked to make choices or decisions.
  • Parental authority will be respected at all times.

It is important for both parents and children to be clear that child consultation is an opportunity for children to talk privately with a mediator. Parents will only be told what children wish them to hear (the only exception being if there is a disclosure about risk of harm).


There are no fixed age limits for consultations with children. We take our lead from parents, who know best what their children's understanding and needs are. However, we generally suggest the age of 7 or 8 as a guideline lower age limit.

If you're interested to know more, please do ask at your Mediation Information and Assessment meeting (MIAM).